The Doppler intake that Treats sells for the Gilardoni kit is nice. It's well cast, unobtrusive and makes for a really clean setup on an E50. Bonus points for the enormous rubber coupler it comes with. Using this intake with a Magnum frame presents some issues, however.
That nice rubber coupler it comes with? Too big to fit in the tiny space between the intake and frame. I ended up using a piece of radiator hose instead. The top of the intake also had to have some material grinded off of it to fit as well. But the biggest problem that I ran into was that the clutch cable sat on the coupler and, due to its tension, put a 'lil bit of force on it. When trying to start the bike, the additional tension on the cable from squeezing the clutch lever would bend the coupler up and down and on one occasion actually pushed the carb and coupler off of the intake.
Since the Doppler intake was meant to be used on some scooter, it has a place cast into it specifically for running a cable that I decided to use instead. I ran the clutch cable down the opposite side of the frame into a 90 degree elbow from an old Bing carburetor to keep things clean and adjustable.

The cable then runs across the frame, over the motor to a modified clutch arm.

I had to cut about half of the arm off to keep it from hitting the carburetor when the starter clutch was engaged. I also had to drill another hole for the spring to sit in to provide the appropriate amout of tension in the correct direction.

Ultimately, it worked out really well. The only disadvantage is that because the clutch arm is shorter, you get a little less leverage on it and have to squeeze the clutch lever harder than usual. It also feels a little stiff because of that thick cable being routed through that 90 degree elbow, but at least my carb isn't going to fall off and shit ain't rubbin where shit ain't supposed to rub.
A professional solution to an uncommon problem. Well done.
ReplyDeletea curse? hehe. well, i definitely have my hands full. do you think the piaggio design is bad? is that why? anyways. i didn't really elaborate in my post, but the deal i got on my most recent moped parts was amazing. basically i traded one of my grandes and $150 for essentially $700 or so in performance parts, those two frames, 2 back wheels, 3 front wheels, and a random box of new and used vespa stock and performance parts. deal of the century in my book. anyways. thanks for reading